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Three Twinkie Facts You Must Know
With Hostess filing for bankruptcy, the Internet has exploded into Twinkie mania. Ebay auctions have ended with prices exploding to over 5x the street value. What should you be doing? How can you … [Read More...]
3 bad habits piggy banks teach your kids
While every parent wants to teach their kid to save money so they can support them in their old age and failing social security but having a piggy bank teaches your children three disastrous truths. They should handle money – Physical money is filled with germs. The flu virus can survive on paper money for […]
3 Fruits that are making you fat!
While eating fruits and vegetables is good way to avoid processed food, some fruits are better than others. First the good news, a banana is actually good for you – that was the only picture of a fruit we had. Avocados – The USDA recommends a one ounce serving – 1/6 of an Avocado. How […]
Republicans: We are STOOPID
Using an old magician’s trick, the Republican party is desperately trying to divert attention away from their failed policies and rape ticket. This past week Ars Technica, C-Net, and other website’s not used to be being played by national politicians have proclaimed the failure of Orca is what cost Mitt Romney the Presidency. The truth […]
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